My mother is getting on my nerves
She's obsessed by the bloke next door. She's convinced he's trying to take advantage of her - not in a sexual way
Can you believe he's had the audacity to sit outside in the communal area with his shorts on!!! As if that wasn't bad enough he's moving out of the shade into the sun!! I dared not get her started on the washing line again she was apoplectic.
I know she's 88 but it's like an obsession.
Months ago she accused him of a famous murder based on the fact he wears a baseball cap. I told her to tell the police
oh dear! has she always been a little.....unusual.....or is this new? If its new, what with the hot spell and all it could be a urine infection, they can really knock the elderly for a loop.
She thinks he's monopoliesing the washing line which should be a joint one
Now the fact that she has no washing at the moment to hang on it is irrelevant