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Very Quite On Here Today !

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mikey4444 | 17:15 Sun 12th Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
I haven't had a good argument for days !


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who's surely ?
......tumbleweed.....and a whistling wind.......
Tony, just caught up with watching paint dry and cricket.
The match was enthralling, too bad I couldn't watch on the TV programmes I receive.
Why ?, what was the problem, Daisy.
Not broadcast on BBC or Freeview
Listened on the radio and saw highlights on channel 5
Not good enough!
Cricket is part of our English heritage
Bring it back
Right I see, Daisy. Write a letter to the BBC to complain about it.
And what good would that do?
You're quite right, DaisyNonna: it is a bit of a sob of a game to understand.
Ah but it might make you feel better about though, Daisy. has nothing to do with the "other site" at was quiet here long before it appeared.

Look at who is missing from AB and in particular from CB.....they're not all on the "other site".....they've just got fed up with the constant niggling, chortling, spluttering and lolling when a bit of banter started up....or our "childish" posting as it was more than once described.

Or being told, often abrasively, where, when and how to post......

And as I said's not difficult to see why so many are no longer posting......or posting less often.
G. I agree it had got quieter , but I believe it is even quieter since ' new site' but I appreciate your opinion as I know you will appreciate mine :)
evening all xx...seems I have missed a bit tonight...too late as I am off to bed..hope to see you on the GMEB thread in the morning...night night !!
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I've stopped posting so much because of the level of negativity, sweeping generalisations and underlying nastiness - it's just unpleasant.
Totally agree Sherr, I usually stick to TV threads, nostalgia posts and birthday wishes - they are usually safe, except the few nasty comments from those who don't like being wished a Happy Birthday from me! ;)
sher/ann it's a pity you feel that way. I think I just ignore the nastiness.
\\ Le Tour de France is much more interesting. //
Totally agree with methyl, much more interesting then nearly every sport out there. Where else can you get world class athletes, excitement, danger, pathos, skill, tactics, teamwork all rolled into a three week event and some of the best scenery in the world changing every day, without moving from your armchair !! Also there are Brits taking part and doing well.
100% agree with your answer Gness xx, there are a few mindless, childish, spelling police on here & the site is getting spoilt, the best answer is, let them get on with it, but getting on with it means members are leaving, not posting because of it.
Who is missing? If they are one of your friends then the chances are that no one has really noticed.

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