Tuesday. Cloudy and cool this morning. No rain at the moment. 'Yer wee man' is not giving me any hope for sunshine either. Must be summer!
Tiggy stayed in the garden last night, I'm sure he had a smile on his face! He's not too sure about snowy, who can't seem to work out what he is! She has discovered that spikes are sharp though!
Can't go far today, waiting for a repair man, or woman...Due today, but I stayed in all day waiting yesterday, looked at the calender in the kitchen and saw he/she is due today. Wot 'n eejit! :-/ Still, the weather wasn't too good anyway.
Snowy is standing by the door and looking at all pleading like. I'll take her for a good walk and then she should be OK with the odd trip out to the garden until yer wee man has been.