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mushroom25 | 17:51 Wed 12th Aug 2015 | News
51 Answers
Uzbekistan Airways to weigh passengers...

Fattist? or a sensible tactic, bearing in mind overloading caused by underestimation of average weights has caused accidents in the past....



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Why cant fat people just admit they are fat and as a result there a are certain things they cant do or sometimes inconveniences other people. The vast majority are fat because they eat too much and move too little. If it upsets you do something about it.
Hc...BMI is bull. My OH is considered overweight by his BMI and there's not an ounce of fat on him.
I know that, ummmm. I've also been squished by tall, super fit men who literally can't get their knees behind the seat in front and have to spread their legs to sit down - in the extra legroom seats.

It's not people that's the problem, it's too many seats crammed in too small spaces.
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That wouldn't penalise a very obese person that is cramping your style if the fatty is only 5'.
It doesn`t say in that article that the airline is going to charge large people more and it doesn`t say that it is a permanent situation or whether they are doing an audit. People have got bigger and they might be weighing people to re-calculate their average that they will use in the future (this was done by an airline on a certain Far Eastern route a few years ago).
Apparently a healthy weight for my height is 7st 13lbs - 10st 11lbs.

If I went down to under 8 stone I'd look anorexic.
It's quite straightforward. If you are heavier it costs more to transport you by air than someone who is lighter. At present everybody under the "average" weight used for aircraft loading calculations subsidises everybody who is over that weight. Whether or not the heavier people set out to be heavier is neither here nor there. If someone turns up with twice the allowable weight of luggage they pay a hefty supplement. If someone turns up with twice the allowable body weight they should do the same. How good or bad they feel as a result does not matter. Airlines are not in the business of making people feel good or bad. Furthermore bodywidth should be assessed. Those who are likely to spill over into two seats (from which I've been on the receiving end more than once) should pay for two seats (and as a result get two weight allowances). Once again, how they feel is not important. What is important is how the poor sod next to him feels when strapped into a seat for a few hours next to twenty stones of humanity whose movements are transferred to his neighbour every time he breathes.

Travelling by air is unique. You are compelled to remain seated for long periods, usually cannot choose your next door neighbour and are restricted by belts and armrests. Unique measures are needed.
I don`t agree with charging large people more money. If you have a baggage allowance of 23kg and your bag weighs 17kg, you are effectively subsidising the people who have used the full 23kg allowance. Same with body weight.
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