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Why Are We Scared Of Spiders?

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meglet | 18:53 Wed 12th Aug 2015 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I hate the things, always have done. But I didn't want my toddler (nearly 2) to pick up my fears so I have been trying for a few months to desensitise her. I have got her a few spider based iPad apps which she is happy to play, a big cuddly spider toy and I point spiders out to her when I can (I think it's actually doing me some good!) Anyway it has totally failed. Over the past week or so she had developed a hugely irrational fear of anything remotely spider-like. Any mark on the wall or chip in paintwork invites a freak out with her pointing at it, shouting "spider" and then we have tears.

So why do we have this in-built fear of them? They're tiny after all and run away when you get near them. I was thinking evolution but they're mostly harmless, certainly in this country, which would otherwise be pretty sensible.

There are plenty of other creatures that are equally weird looking that don't bother the majority of people like spiders do!


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I don't mind spiders at all and when ever the subject comes up I remember this and it always makes me smile
I'm not afraid of spiders but can't stand wood lice. OH always has to get rid of them.
My daughter is absolutely terrified of them. She cannot go into a room if there is one or go up the stairs if there is one on the wall.
Unfortunately she has passed this on yo her five children.
I have a fear of the big ones and have done since childhood when a cousin used to terrorise me them.

Now any in my home end up in the hoover. Only thus week my friend has been bitten on the snake by one in the garden. Her foot is really swollen.
I think there may be an evolutionary explanation for fearing things that crawl and might nip us, based on our ancestors living alongside poisonous insects. I can recall being very afraid of spiders as a child, but now I don't mind them as long as they aren't crawling on me. I generally trap them under a glass with a postcard, and release them outside.
Very few beasties scare me and certainly not spiders. When my grandson came running down the stairs to tell me there was a spider on the top landing I just said "oh, you've met Sammy have you". Giving him a name seemed to take the fear out of spotting a spider for him. All my grandchildren look for Sammy when they come. We must be on number 20 at least lol.

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