Body & Soul8 mins ago
No Question
>>Personally I'll be happy for the labour party to return to it's roots and stop being closet Tories But maybe Labour's time has run out and the world has "moved on" and most people ARE closet Tories. After all, who wants to go back to the bad old days when Labour were in power in the 70s - strikes, strikes and more strikes. Idiots like "red Robbo" at British...
11:58 Wed 19th Aug 2015
AOG - "May I refer you to my 15:03 Wed 19th Aug 2015 post, then I think you will understand?"
I have read your post, but I am none the wiser.
I would suggest that little is to be gained by re-hashing our exchanges - it only starts inter-personal arguments, and then others join in, and it really doesn't get us anywhere.
Shall we draw a line?
I have read your post, but I am none the wiser.
I would suggest that little is to be gained by re-hashing our exchanges - it only starts inter-personal arguments, and then others join in, and it really doesn't get us anywhere.
Shall we draw a line?