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Ok Sauce

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mikey4444 | 18:25 Thu 03rd Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I have been trying to find OK sauce in the shops but with no luck. We used to have this when we were kids in the 60's as HP sauce was too spicy and meant for Dads !

I have seen it on ebay but at daft prices. Has anyone seen this in any supermarkets at all ?


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A quick search on the web - shows selfridges sells it
Selfridges Food Hall have it and I've seen it in an Asian Supermarket before. Perhaps when you are out and about try one of those posh deli/grocers?
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Thanks Baz...I will get on the train to Paddington in the morning !

Actually, I did find a bottle in a Chinese supermarket a couple of years ago. Apparently its still popular in the colonies. But the two places we have near me drew a blank
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Thanks R-cjic...I will try the Indian supermarkets next week.....we have loads of those in Swansea !
I've bought it in Canada in supermarkets usually in the 'World Food' section, I always thought it was Chinese.
OK sauce is not too difficult to source. (unintentional). Where can I get a tin of damsons?
Some of you might be thinking of XO Sauce ?
Posh deli/grocer?
None here
Buy it on-line

I usually buy the fruity brown sauce - yummy!
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Thanks everybody ! I need to make a trawl of all the "Ethnic" shops in Swansea, which I can look forward to with pleasure !
Mikey, you mean that they have English shops in Swansea?
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Just a few Stuey !

Actually Stuey, since you left us many years ago, "Chicken Tikka Marsala" has now overtaken "Liver and Onions" as the British National Dish !

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Ok Sauce

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