I have experienced death many times and to be quite honest, the death of my own mother, brother ,father wasnt much difference to losing the people I care for in a Care Home. Of course the emotional side of things are a little different.
Once that person has died, I have little interest in the body itself or hanging on to mementoes or ashes or anything like that, My memories are all I need and all I want. I have one or two pieces that I was left, but they hold little interest. My memories are all I really need and mementoes do little for me in that respect.
I also dont believe in "they have gone to a better place" nonsense. I am happy in my belief that when someone dies, that is the end, nothing more apart from memories. People always say "they have gone to a better place" when they dont actually know, if there is a heaven and a hell, how would we know which direction they went in?
When I die, I really dont care what happens to my body, I wont know about it, feed me to the hounds for all I care.
I have no fear of death, I'm not itching to go just yet as I'm still enjoying life, but when the time comes.....