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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:00 Wed 23rd Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
106 Answers
Wednesday. Yesterday turned out warm and sunny. I got some work done in the garden.

Not a cloud in sight at the moment, a lovely clear sky with all the stars doing what stars do.

Tiggy got home about an hour ago, he only goes two gardens along, not stopping at the one in between, so he doesn't travel far. Herself along there says she doesn't see many slugs or snail either. She feeds the gutsy little git too. not a bad life he's got is it!

Have a happy day everyone.


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bye Dt xx
time to go..see you later xx
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Have a wonderful day minty. xxxxx

Time I got a wriggle on too. Have a happy day whatever you are doing...or not. :o}
Morning WBMxxx last again but if I don't get my 2 birds seen to first I cant hear myself lol . nice and dry today .

I'm away as well, things to do, we're going in to measure up the Bungalow in an hour or so, so that when we complete we will already know what we want to knock down or keep, don't think we'll be keeping a lot internally tbh.
Bye bye busy people.

Hi Wendi, all well?

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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