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Do You Get These

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TWR | 08:42 Thu 24th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
begging ( that's what I call them ) charity letters? they have cost two person's their life, how do you handle them? I bin them but contemplating re-posting them, do you think that would stop them?


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They go straight into the bin, but they don't stop coming.
I repost them,I fill it up with all paper they have sent and repost,wether its prepaid or not
What annoys me is when they send you pens and labels in the envelope and expect you to give a donation for them - what a waste of money! I send them back without a stamp.
'cost two person's their life' ? What do you mean TWR ?
I don't get them - but if I do, they will go in the bin.
Also bin, I can't even be bothered to keep the pens anymore

Pad 'em out with a bit of Newspaper and return 'em without a stamp, don't get too many repeats!
TWR,I presume you mean the fact that many charities sell on details of donors and that has indeed resulted in some awful cases. Hopefully there are going to be changes in that regard.

I bin them.
I return them(unopened) marked "unsolicited mail, return to sender".
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Yes, that's right Chelle, every person that receives these letters should bin them after these unnecessary deaths caused by these charity's, they should be ashamed of themselves.
Oh of course, I see, thanks chelle.

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