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vectra 2.5

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wallis1007 | 20:32 Thu 11th May 2006 | Motoring
4 Answers
My father in law is thinking about a vectra 2.5 on a p plate 100,000 miles. ( midlife crisis I think ) .Personally I they are awful cars, but would like to here from any owners about them good or bad. What are the running costs like, rust buckets?, good or bad engines ?. I know they go like stink but that dosen't really sell a car to me. Thanks in advance


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Used to have the GSi model.. Very fast but used to eat front tyres. Reasonably economical given power 25mpg.
if he buys the car for gods sake make sure the cambelt has been changed or get it changed straight away,( only about 500 nicker at your local gm dealer). cause otherwise if the belt goes you might as well tow the car to the scrapyard. other than that ,not a bad car if top of the range.
I know lots of people who've had nightmares with Vectras. But none have been with the 2.5 V6 so I dont know what they are like other than they sound good.
I've had my Vectra (1.8 16v) for just over 3 years now, and it's done over 40,000 miles with me. No major mechanical problems - the only work I've had done has been to parts that wear out on any car - tyres, bulbs, the exhaust etc. Perhaps not the flashiest or trendiest car around, but a good workhorse nonetheless.

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