1. Neither. I'm still searching for a product that is even half decent at its job.
2. Sometimes. Less often than I intend to, but there again I get confused over needing to leave the toothpaste on so it can do it's job, and washing it off with mouthwash at the same time !
3. I sleep at night ?!?!? No not in the bath nor the shower. In a bed.
4. I like to cook special/fancy meals. It's nice if someone else cooks the routine type ones.
5. Sometimes. If I've company then more likely to.
6. Instant coffee.
7. No, but there is a small number of options.
8. Yes. Not to any great standard though. Don't particularly like it, it's a wet experience.
9. No. Surely no one has that ?
10. No. I've amused myself all evening and now it's time for bed.