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Mean Spirited People

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nailit | 20:04 Wed 07th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
Why are some people so mean spirited?
Just been to the cinema and popped into the off license on the way home. The staff in the shop were complaining about a kid outside who was collecting a "penny for the guy". For Gods sakes, havn't they done the same thing when they were kids? I came out and gave the kid a pound, its hardly going to break the bank! My ex was like that as well. Would never tip a taxi driver or give a kid a few pence for his guy or put spare change into a charity box....used to drive me nuts, I hate meaness.
Theres more than enough in life for everyone if we share a little with others
(or is this the drink talking, lol)


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mean spirited maggiebee -I said I give money -I didn't say to whom and the point was I don't give money then pontificate (look it up) about those who don't.
idiots! lol!
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Thank you for your clarification Retro - as an English graduate I don't feel the need to look up the word "pontificate"; I only have to read your posts which make it perfectly clear.

by the way congratulations on finally landing a job! (I'm guessing. Offy, handing out money to street urchins and so on. If there was a thread, sorry I missed it).

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Ill always give if I've some change on me, although what winds me up is when you cant walk more than 20ft without bumping into a chugger or someone rattling a tin.

I've been giving to CLIC Sergent and the PDSA for years after someone knocked on my door, I had another knock the other afternoon and it was a nice chap trying to sign people up for donations to Battersea Dogs home,
I politely declined his offer and pointed out that we were standing in south Bristol.

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