I have recently paid for 6 months road tax, but i am leaving the country for a year so still have 5 months left. If i declare it SORN - offroad, can i claim back some of my money, if so how? Thank you...
If a teacher is a member of the BNP should he be allowed to teach? Since we live in a democracy and the BNP is a demoratic political party, should it make any difference? Apparently in this actual...
I have all of my music in iTunes on my PC. If i wanted to buy a new PC is there a way to transfer all of the music on to the new PC? Thanks in advance for your help.
My father is in a bad health state & also in alot of debt. If he was to die & his house did not cover the debt, would his children be responsible for the debt in any way at all? Thanks
Thinking of buying in Bulgaria - has anyone had experience of the buying process? Is it easy or is it a nightmare? Property is reasonable, however, I am unsure of the stability of the country - can...