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"The players will say they do care and it is rubbish to say they don't. But did it look like they cared? It didn't look like it to me." - John Toshack Is he right that players are pampered?...
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anotheoldgit 029931/Robin-Day-turn-grave-Cross-dresser-appe ars-Question-Time-panel-Little-Bo-Peep-outfit. html As a regular viewer of the BBC's "Question Time" I...
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Following on from the thread in News, I find it incredible that people still discriminate on the grounds of colour, so my question is, are you colour prejudiced? I'm not talking about culture,...
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1 and 1/2 bottles of red vino collapso to go before bed and already feeling the swell of the waves - but i'm in my house! Telly on in front room - noise of mandelo sycophants is deafeneing and...
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just watching a britain...a modern history on bbc2 its mainly about maggie thatcher she actually caused anarchy on the streets of britain,do you think she was a heroine for britain or a horror?my...
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Which one do u think is more helpful to reduce the crime rates,cameras or policemen? Why?? Thank u 4 answer.
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i need to lose my belly and have NO willpower! Have just eaten half a packet of cadbury's snaps and have had to throw away the other half to stop me eating the rest!!!1 Any tips? (Apart from just...
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i havent seen this guy for 20 years,he was a really nasty piece of work at school hitting kids,stealing,bullying etc etc,today in town i saw him...a drunken tramp of a guy...he asked me for some...
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Does anyone know of a free english to chinese translation site? I just need to words translated. Thanks
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A report commissioned by the Gov shows that despite falling crime and record police numbers, public concern about criminal behaviour has risen. Ordinary people do not believe that their voice is heard...
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anotheoldgit /7456965.stm Child exploitation to our western minds is deplorable, but should we interfer in the way these children earn a living? If western companies...
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Oneeyedvic Criminals could walk free from prison because of a "potentially disastrous" ruling by the Law Lords, a senior police officer said. Defendants in criminal...
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Many happy returns of the day, Wizard, on this, your 42nd birthday. Have a great day, and I hope you get lots of cake and prezzies.
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Well i for one am really glad its happened, it will bring all the greedy people out there back down to earth, you will have to wait and save for the things you want, you won't have to keep up with...
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The Sherman
As probably the most learned on here i was doing some thinking...... I know you have read the bible and quran alot more than me and I was wondering... Could you theorise how many people god(of the...
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On West Derby Road there's a Church, thoughtfully sprayed on the wall for our perusal and digestion are the words "Tuebrook grasses", it then goes on that "Reece" and this is the telling bit "is the...
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Would it be sexist and ageist to announce that women and children had priority over who gets to go in the lifeboats first?
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How did Joseph Stalin die
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In view of the latest lot of confidential data reportedly left on yet another train, am I unduly cynical or does this reek of an establishment 'fit-up'?
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Mani Hussain
I've just been thinking about people's attitudes towards civil liberties in light of David Davis standing down today. These days the media are constantly bombarded us with sensationalist negative...

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