Hello all, Welcome to this month's Onwards & Downwards. We welcome anyone serious about losing weight and we offer support and kind thoughts - not magic fixes, just sensible help. Yet again xstitcher...
I haven't shaved for a couple of days and am starting to grow a fair bit of stubble. How long will it take before I start looking bearded rather than scruffy?...
http://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/sep/19/ig-nobel-prize-british-researchers-win A study that has won the Ig Nobel prize for psychology has come to the conclusion that [i]people who habitually...
Igt must be fairer for the other parts of tge Uk says Cameron. I wonder if he thinks we will be fobbed off by a bit of power given to a couple of large cities or will he (and Millipede) go the whole...
This is a little sobering for this time of the morning, but gives considerable food for thought. Would you agree with this nurse's experience of her patients' deathbed regrets? Personally, although...