Hi, The wife has undergone some quite extensive dental surgery. She will not be able to chew for a few days. Surviving on vitamen drinks etc. Any ideas for some easy to swallow meals? Regards Rodz
this is mainly a pic for helliebobs but any ladies who share my excellent taste , feel free to drool over this picture! This guy was one of my childhood crushes and i look now and think, damn i had...
You see Krovo? Whenever anyone speaks the truth about Thatcher, it gets banned. Lots of things that people complain about in this country today are because of the Thatcher legacy. And whilst you...
hi there, we have a cat who every night brings this fluffly drinks coaster to us as we go to sleep. the cat never plays with this coaster in the day and is usually never interested in it at all but...
Welcome to the 3 i g h t 8 b al l show... Now recruiting... clowns, jugglers, freaks, acrobats, comedians, human cannonballs, aliens, grannies, contortionists, magicians. Please feel free to apply in...
Please tell us about your experiences here! Are you mentally scarred? Why did you join? Was it the last resort? Pride? If you killed somebody - does that face remain in your head for eternity? OwNeD
When Jesus died on the cross, I believe the purpose was to die for our sins. Why was this necessary, as we are still held to account for our sins anyway before entering heaven....If we pass ! Also,...
Hiya. I just took my shopper out to the co-op and nobody gave me any funny looks.3 people even asked me where I got it and how much it cost etc. One lady even wrote down the brand name so she can look...
Im giving my answer of the week, so far, award to 3ight8ball for this little gem posted at 15.36 on this the 11th day of March 2008 If you see better then you can award it as your "answer of the week,...