Morning (just) all, I've just had to turn my radio off as I could no longer listen to a whiney young girl (Jo-Jo?) murdering the Foo Fighters Times Like These. This has now been filed in my brain...
12d Worker for Pitt the Younger overheard (5) M - N - R miner or minor? I could argue it both ways but think I prefer miner. Anyone any thoughts please?
Ok heres a simple quiz. not difficult but it does require a certain degree of honesty. so first question. have you ever asked a partner /boyfriend /hubby if your bum looked big in something? secondly...
anyone else bored with all these word of the days?? has no one got anything interesting to say? Everybody tell me when was the last time you went out and what did you do?
I think I just developed a crush on Prince Harry!!!! arry/OMG!+Click+here+to+check+out+Prince+Harry %e2%80%99s+SIX+PACK!
Hi, I went out on fri night, only had 5 drinks when I went into one of my local clubs. This is really weird cos from when I went into that club at 8.55 until 2 ish that night, I have no recollection...
Are we all mugs? Why celebrate Mothers & Fathers day? Its a con to make more money and to bleed society of MORE money. Card shops are laughing at us lining their pockets! Im not a fan as you can tell,...
watching it on Saturday and they were showing Steve from corrie running down the alley looking for Amy,? when harry and the Amy winehouse lookalike got out of the bin i nearly died with laughter!!!...