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Ive snagged a fingernail. Should i cut it myself? Or get a professional manicure? Its that jaggy way where it catches on material and sends a shiver right up your arm.
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aka pixi
I love picallilli but lately no matter what sort I buy it just isnt the same as it used to be :( What make picallilli do you think is the best? It has got to have all the following extremely tangy...
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Well im back everybody! Just wanted to say Hi as im back from the dungeon with a 101 issues regarding folk on here. It looks like the Ed will definately be getting a call later on after not responding...
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Hi there , I am going into town to the post office , I will no doubt swing by the bakers on my way home , can I take lunch orders off anyone ? xxxxx
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a) Giving up smoking. b) Giving up alcohol c) Getting to an officially acceptable BMI Note for c) I accept that BMI is total Boll0cks but if we where to accept the doctors' word how difficult would it...
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Does anybody know to what I'm referring when I say this ? Just interested ,and have bet a fiver that someone will get it before 12.30, so come on peeps x x
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Hey whats cracking everybody, im back now, the one, the only, 3 i g h t 8 b a l l. you know what they say 'what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger' IM BACK BELIEVE IT. :D So what have i missed...
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The rumbling woke me and my husband up. Crazy thing is, we just turned over & said it must be a tremor!
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please state ur order and send me ur money and i will sort this out for u remember its good to be british on days like today
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I'll never understand you lot, bloody hormonal creatures!!! I did something nice and brought some flowers home for Mrs 4GS, she really loved them, then she went ballistic and I cant figure out why. I...
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Where's he/she gone? I'm owner less, an orphan again :-((
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Is it possible?
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When someone is being removed the whole site plays up! It happened to Geff_p last night everone was having problems posting and now 3ight has disappeared and we're having problems.
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.....when you dip your biscuit and it falls into your coffee/tea !!!
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If you gave alcohol to a crab, would it make them walk in a straight line?
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