Watched the Academy Awards last night, seen better shows, wasn't impressed with Chris Rock spent too much time on the black issue, I'm still in the days of Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Sidney...
25 across Member of race may be glad of hot ?s?i??
16 down In which we hear they're nearly burning ?e?s??? (is it Session?)
(25 across is a linked clue to water bottle)...
16 across Deprived Of Courage 8 letters U???R?H? is it unworthy?
13 down Concert Oratorio 7 letters C???A?A, (thought it might be CANTATA but doesn't fit with UNWORTHY....
Mary Berry does come across as a lovely woman but do you think she has had overexposure on media tv etc, every cookery show features Mary and magazines full of her recipes etc!
Are Kelloggs the best Cornflakes or can anyone really tell the difference with other brands, I know Kelloggs are more expensive so there must something different about them or is it the Brand name!
How ironic that a question would crop up on today's edition of Pointless concerning David Bowie R.I.P. Category was Life Songs, who sang them, Circle Of Life, Life In A Northern Town, Life On Mars,...
The Voice BBC 1, what was all that about, supposed to be finding a Voice, we had Bernie Clifton long established entertainer, Paloma Faith one of the judges who hated Theatrical music continuous chit...
Tomorrow on BBC i we have a sexed up adaptation of War and Peace, last week Agatha Christie got steamy and druggie do you enjoy these versions or would you prefer the original stories!
Anyone watching this new series with characters from Dickens novels, it is good if you are not familiar with Dickens but I find it too mismatched prefer the real Dickens stories.