Sorry for being critical but on tonights 1 v 100 the lady I think she was called Sue looked as if she was dressed from the ?1 shop, I wouldn't have done the gardening the way she was dressed. Why do...
According to the saying cast of not a clout till May is out at the moment everything is out, lawnmowers, hammers hedgecutters and lots of bare chested people why can't we just enjoy this good and rare...
Why does the song Ave Maria evoke such emotion watched a Birmingham girl sing it last night on Britains got Talent and it was brilliant. Do you like this song who is your favourite that sings it I...
Just bought a bottle of organic wine Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz good price ?3.86 from Supermarket thought I'd give it a try, on the label it told me ducks are employed to keep the grape vines free from...
Todays Daily Mail has pictures of Victoria Beckham at an Art Museum Gala She is dressed to look posh and sophisticated but as uusal no smile when will she ever learn that you can't make a silk purse...
I have been told that Catnip is a deterrent for rats in gardens, is this true, what type of plant is catnip can it be put in a pot or does it have to be planted in the garden!! !
Sometimes I think it is better to put your money in a savings account and save up for all the things you need. I have been paying. insurances for years and have never seen the benefit, need new...
Very serious and traumatic storyline but I thought it was treated in a very "cavalier" manner, Maria would have needed all the support possible, Her husband should have been paramount in this...
Why don't answerbankers post questions in the appropriate topic categories, Boris should be in News, Britains got Talent should be in TV keep Chatterbank for chit chat and trivia
Did anyone notice that Julia tonights winner looked familar she has been on another quiz show can't think which one, this show has had quite a lot of posts concerning familair contestants, they are...
It is 100yrs of Mills and Boon, have you ever read any. I won a book competition over 20yrs ago in a national newspaper and received a prize of a years supply of Mills and Boon, received 10 a month, I...
I do the crosswords in The Mail on Sunday, Sunday Express Magazine etc, The big Monday Crossword in the Express, what other crosswords similar to these are there, I enjoy general knowledge and...
There have been numerous posts disparaging the Mc Canns, their daughter is missing irrspective of how it happened this must be the worst thing that can happen to a family. The main person in this sad...
Feature on the One Show about the Krays, some people regard them as icons They committed terrible crimes yet they are seen as "heroes" movies books about them, how do they stand with todays awful...
Last night's Apprentice candidates had to design an original greetings card,there is a card for every occasion but what would you come up with? I was thinking of a sporting theme wishing luck to all...
Watched this show last night still non the wiser of what really happened. Michael Barrymore was a great entertainer in his heyday why did it all go wrong!
Media &TV covers the categories Celebrity Gossip Films Radio Reality TV and TV. I suggest that they all should be incorporated into one category Media & TV. I have posted questions in Media & TV and...