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https://postimg.cc/fSmG7zFx/220c247d https://postimg.cc/kRvjXBzh/f738adcd https://postimg.cc/N2snX66w/980103c7...
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This guy I went on a date with kept saying about different girls asking him out then when I met him he not even attractive and midget that why I find it hard to belive he would be popular...
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I've applied for this job and it says expected start date is 31st July and it still advertised for people to apply why could that be?
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This man like in his 60s I know from dog walking I been to pub and farm with him now he wants to go to a museum with me is that a bad thing?
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This guy from a dating apps wants to meet me Friday night I'm not not sure as I don't normally feel confident meeting guys I don't know and last 2 dates I've had from dating app haven't gone well
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I've been out of a job for a month and only had 2 interviews then got one next week...
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What he said during my review and and I did enjoy working there but there's bad reviews from ex employee...
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I found after my last employer failed my probation he replied with an ex employee before hand and everyone knew except me
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At the moment I'm struggling to get a job still living at home and single or not enough of a social life I'm constantly feeling down...

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