Dear Ed. Is it time to review and update the powers that Mods have. At the moment some, but not all Mods, are abusing the power bestowed on them by closing threads and removing answers just because...
Hi Ed is this post by a moderator on my thread consistent with the rules on how moderators should use their status? "PP, you have been asked countless times over several years to leave me out of your...
Are any book makers offering odds on who it is?Would like to place a bet on who the sexual deviant is we are funding via tax tax to buy indecent pictures of a drug addicted teen?...
Hi Ed and Team With reference to the mention by a couple of Mods - is it possible for us to have a 'confirm' facility when closing threads? This will avoid the current ease with which we can...
A good friend died two years ago come this August following the death of her husband exactly a year before,we had many happy holiday with the two of them and she always said I was the sister she never...
I'm going to a golf centre then out after. Ok the shooting of the teen started this but it's now turned into general anarchy. Cleatly criminals are using it as an excuse to go looting etc...
Popping round his parents later for a cuppa...
Can't decide......
Seen using an erasable ink pen when he makes notes on official documents. He regulary uses "Pilot V erasable ink fountain pens" During cabinet meetings. This has sparked concern that the PM's writing...
Tony Blair could return to front line politics ...when Starmer wins the next election. He could return as one of the most powerful figures in politics.And this prospect has sparked Hope of a closer...
Steam coming out of my ears. I am classed as extremely vulnerable and had a Covid jab appointment at lunchtime today. And guess what? They have cancelled it for the second time with only a couple of...
A housemate to a HMO was evicted owing rent to the letting agent. The bailiffs were called but he did not have all of his possessions by out of the house by the stated time. The front door and his...