My smoke detector keeps beeping every 5 minutes or so.It's wired to the mains so it's not a battery problem and I've vacuumed any dust from it. Any thoughts? thank you in advance
Nearly fell off my chair laughing when I read this on another forum: deciding whether to have pizza, KFC, MaccyD's or just cut out the middle man and down a litre of cooking oil Classic!!! Got any... About a 14 year old girl who is kidnapped, tortured, drugged and later cut to pieces. About a gravedigger who digs...
If we are in the milky way how do we know what it looks like and how have we took a picture of our own Galaxy when we are in it if you understand what i mean and can give me an answer please do...
What you all having for lunch. I have decided on some tomato soup with French bread and a huge bowl of fruit salad with chopped mixed nuts and Greek yoghurt. I may also have a Crunchie as it is...
How do you cook them? I want a proper jacket, with lovely soft interior. Do I wrap them in aluminium foil? Do I do anything to the skin first? I have a double oven, one being fan assisted. Which one...
Have you ever tried to set up a home cctv system using a webcam? I'm trying and it's hard work! There are webcams advertised on ebay as 'night vision'. NIGHT VISION. You'd think this means infra red...
I have a joint fence with my neighbour which needs at least repair, if not replacement. My neighbour wants to add to the original height of 5 feet and make it 7 feet but I am not agreeable as it is...
I was recently looking on ebay and I noticed that there was a ebay shop that sells Magical spells. There was a spell in partically that I noticed and it was a spell to make someone win the lottery, Is... cle-1050158/British-journalism-student-gang-ra ped-asylum-seekers-Calais-squatter-camp-The-Ju ngle.html This is before they get into this country. Here...