has anyone tasted this? any good? does it taste like the normal its only 4% but i picked up 15 cans for a fiver yesterday from tesco! does anyone else know any where that does good booze deals?
Not even guy fawkes night yet and already the fireworks are going off non stop...my poor dog is going mad, barking non stop and running round like a loony, its driving me insane...have thought about...
if you've over done it this weekend,here have some hairy dog to help you forget about it..................... http://media.photobucket.com/image/hairy%20wom an/vixen77_photo/pamarc.jpg?o=4
I have a very sore patch (hole) on my soft palate just behind my top teeth at the back that is ulcerated. It has been like it for over 3 weeks. I've had a biopsy but no results yet. I do not smoke or...
The other day I had need to visit my local shopping mall, the entrance is very much higher than street level. One has a choice to climb the numorous steps or the walk up the winding gradual incline. I...
As anyone on AB got the brass balls to admit to being a racist? I ask because I have more respect for people who will openly admit to being a racist than i have for people who are clearly racist but...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/lancashire/ 7696709.stm The original sentence should have been increased in my opinion.Feral scum like these lads should not be allowed to appeal the length of...
Im making a cauliflower cheese for dinner tonight and was just wondering if i add some macaroni to the cauliflower do you think that would taste ok? I shall make a crunchy top of breadcrumbs mixed...
i am very dizzy especially in the mornings,it has only started again these last 3 days,i was the same last month,it seems to come and go,it has been same on and off for 2 years..it is that bad now...
Are you someone who can't be bothered to change from the one which was on when you got it or do you change it every week? Mine at the moment is Uninvited by the Freemason but want that Begging song....