If God is so clever, could He ask a question that even he couldn't answer? OR. If God is so clever, could He ask a question so stupid that even He couldn't have asked it? goodnight fellow ABers. Peace...
1) Do you look in a persons window when you knock on their door? 2) Have to ever had your car washed by the car cleaning people at supermarkets? 3) have you ever left chewing gum/ bogies under a...
I've not been able to log in to AB for couple of days. Strange message about global stuff and a date range of jan 2038 or something when i tried to log in. I only joined a couple of weeks ago. Any...
i have an idea in my head for a childrens book along the lines of thomas the tank engine, budgie the helipcopter etc. i would need to get illustrations done as i can't draw to save my life. how do i...
My 10-month old cats have suddenly lost their appetites, however they aren't showing any other signs of being ill. They aren't quite as active as normal because they are real fair-weather moggies and...
I was watching BBC2's 'Master chef' tonight, the presenter said 'for more information on tonight's recipies press the red button on your remote' When I pressed the red button my TV turned itself off...
A few days ago I thought I had a piece of museli caught at the back of my throat- this also feels like tonsillitis when you get the white spots on the tonsills. However I can't see anything. It is...
I have an aluminium tax disc holder which has fallen off my window. This is due to the sticky pads running out of stickyness. My tax disc now is on the dash board... Does this count as displaying it?...
What on earth was going on with the camerawork in tonights Bill - especially when they were visiting the woman in prison? Obviously it was done on purpose but do the producers think we want to suffer...
Does anybody know the track that was played when ronni was try to stop the hen party from leaving iv got a clip of it here. click the link for the song. thanks....
Jack Regan's Mrs is in it with carter (Denis Waterman), I love this show, it respects the actors. Susan Jameson and James Bolam from When the Bote Comes In too. Who are they missing? Robin Ellis and...