I'm suffering from a bad patch of chronic diarrheah which isn't uncommon for me but am trying to combat feeling so dehydrated with it and have a recurring fissure due to it so feeling pretty miserable...
My husband has a repeat prescription for Gout and Cholestoral tablets (taken daily) and Arthritis relief tablets as when required. We are travelling in Spain for the next few months and wonder if he...
Hi ink cartridge hp 350/351 Is there a way of telling which ink cartridge is low either the black or colour? All it says ink is low? or does this mean both? Thanks
I wish to make an exact copy of my Window's XP computer's hard drive, and then transfer it onto my portable hard drive. Would I also have the facility for the potable hard drive to receive and update...
I have a large number of music files on my computer's hard drive. Is there a way of numbering them all at the same time, without the need to rename them all individually?
Anyone got any good products they use to clean their leather sofa ... my needs a re-vamp or "spruce" as my one year old likes to spill various stuff over anything and everything
Over the last few weeks, we have been invaded by tiny litte black flies! They are not fruit flies - they are smaller and are completely black. I have cleaned drains, checked potted plants and we have...
i have bulimia. i binge and purge 1-2 times a day. at some point i stopped but a week later i started again. im 59 kg and really want to lose another 10kg. my mum is constantly telling me that she...
We have just recently purchased a new acer computer, the computer if great but the white lettering on the keyboard has nearly worn off. Which are the best to buy. Thanks.
Hi, i really need your help. Bought an Acer notebook to go on holiday with and then bought an O2 dongle - just in case the hotels we were staying at did not have wireless. The thing is it the dongle...
I have a standard home PC and my eight year old is now exploring unsuitabke sites. How do you set up a normal run of the mill password that only I can use ,so I know when he is on it
last monday i cycled quite a distance,i havent cycled for ages.later that evening i had a pain in both my groin areas which i though was due to cycling ,the next day the pain was better ,i have walked...
Does anyone know how to reset the combination on a Roventa suitcases my grandson had a play with it and now we cant get it open.It's a 3 number combination. Also how do you set it for a new...