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I just got a load of abuse from some woman because I told her that her her baby should have a hat on! we're talking a couple of weeks old at the most and it's really hot here, while I would not be...
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am i the only person who doesnt know the difference between beer and lager?
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Would you like to have a laugh at American politics this morning?... have a look at this Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in New York state...(this is a real picture) KFC 
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This is true, I've just seen it on TV, there was a woman studying for a PhD in air guitar.  Honest.  I couldnt believe my eyes or ears, then I got thinking.  Do you think I could study...
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I've just phoned the BBC to complain about the lack of news coverage of the young white man that was stabbed 5 times through the heart by a group of black youths on Sunday night in...
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I've just spotted this story.  I'm interested to hear people's views.  I realise some people feel chat should be restricted to CB, but I'd like to hear what the sport-bods like...
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how many measures do you get from a standard bag in box coke-a-cola.
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Can someone please help me with a cryptic crossword question as i have been pondering over it for 2 days now and cannot get the last answer. The clue is - our wee queen is sixty - It makes somehow a...
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I'm thinking this is a long shot, but hopefully someone can help. On our way to holiday, my wife spotted a pretty blue multifunction ladies wallet in Gatwick airport. It was leather and had a...
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It would be useful to be able to have an "Email yourself this answer" or Thread. I have tried cutting and pasting the text, but because of the formatting I am getting half of the page rather than the...
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There are rumblings about the suspected terrorist who has been arrested in Italy. Britain wants him extradited but the Italians have charged him themselves. Assuming guilt, what does it...
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Now this is probably just media propaganda but do you think thast it is acceptable that house raids on suspected terror houses that our armed response service have to remove their shoes before...
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Watching bbc news 2 reports in one guy gets killed in liverpool in another guy gets killed on a bus. One is a racial crime and the other isnt. Please explain to me the difference folks. I really...
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A cute fluffy Kitten was rescued today from having a nasty fall from a tree.  The Kitten was said to have been mewing in the tree for some time before being rescued by a good natured passer...
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My wife gave birth to our baby girl on the 17th I've been off work on paternity leave for the last 2 weeks it was great. Question is I could do with about a month off to help her out whilst things...
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My friend went into Car phone warehouse yesterday and was sold a phone on a tariff totally unsuitable for her and out of her price range she is only young and felt forced into ignoring contracts. She...
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Should it be reintroduced for those found guilty of crimes like that guy who stabbed a man because he complained about him throwing chips at his girlfriend. 
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"If your opponent has a conscience, then follow Gandhi and non-violence. But if your enemy has no conscience like Hitler, then follow Bonhoeffer." - Dr Martin Luther King.   Do you agree...
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I just watched a man on News Night talking about how great it is to see people dieing in the name of Islam. How he wouldn't mind his own family members dieing for the cause. (He didn't say he...

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