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Loosehead please tell me this is untrue!
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hi all could do with a bit of cheering up any new short jokes uve heard recently.
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When you have a row with your other half do you end up saying sorry,or just forgetting the row ,just to keep the peace, whether you are right or wrong or are you stubborn and act cool and offish until...
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If you were single and feeling lonely - would you ever do Internet Dating in the hope of finding yourself someone? Or do any of you do it now?
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is there any scientific evidence to suggest that alternative therapies (homeopathy, faith healing,reiki etc.)work other than by the placebo effect?
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Where should i go for a short cottage break in feb pref by sea ?
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whats everyones views on this subject? Do you think its right or wrong? i personally think its quite sad for both sides. But i feel sorry the women for thinking that they will have a perfect life once...
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Not sure if this has been suggested before? Could we have a lay by category where we could stop and have a drink and a hot dog with onions?
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Was just wondering this morning - we all often mention our other halves on here,so what do they do for a living? Where do they work?Is their job unusual or not? Pink xx
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I was just about to go home with fms!! Dammit!!!!!
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Sorry don't know where to post this q! If i put "yours sincerely" at the end of a letter do i put "to whom it may concern" at the start? I haven't got a personal...
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My work is having a Medieval themed xmas party. Apart from thr obvious King Arthur costumes, can anyone help with suggestions for characters/outfits. Thanks. p.s there are about 20 of us so the more...
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~x ello x~
some people like their names, some hate them. what do you think of yours? would you rather be called something else? xXx
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What School's did you all go to?
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sunny jim
Ive been lookin at whats been said here recently and by whom and after looking at the previous question and the comment,has anyone wondered what other ABers look like.I have in my minds eye what some...
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What is the song and is it a new one?
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The guests on all of the quiz shows, talk shows, reality shows etc. must be from somewhere. Just wondered if any of you have had your 15 minutes or know anyone who has? I have to admit, my only claim...
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The new Sandi Thom song says "you'll cover me diamonds...'" ...but what would happen if you literally did this? If you think back to the Bond film Goldfinger, when 'Jill' was covered in gold paint,...
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Just wondering what your views are on the latest news that an office within Windsor Castle is to be used as a prayer room for Muslim staff - bearing in mind there is currently only one Muslim employee...
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a friend of mine works evenings during the week. an indian woman at work who does the same shift has become over friendly with her, always buying her things, touching her face etc and now she turns up...

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