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A gaited horse moves each leg independently, so there is always one foot on the ground, since they are transferring weight to different legs but never suspending themselves in the air, as is done with...
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There are loads that I find myself saying to the tv screen ‘I’ve no idea how they ever became successful or even got offered any parts!’, but yesterday I found myself walking in lounge and an episode...
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BLACK,D - it's not very often one sees a comma in a dingbat , any ideas, friends ?...
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13a Remedy when one’s dog tired C???A?...
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10a. Compounds (4)Pe?s 16d stood up to(6)?r?v??. Could it be braved?? 24a. Procrastinates (5,4,4)??a?s ???s ???? If braved is right 24a stars with 'd' 19d A hit in different times (5)s?i?? Many thanks...
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Do you want to pursue the best rickshaw repairing course in Delhi? Then you are on the right page at right time! Let’s first understand the importance and growth of the e-rickshaw repairing industry...
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7a secure pieces from the east ???a? Id free university in earliest shake-up 2,7 ??,?e?s?r? 18a arty programme turned iver feature on fork 4,2,7 ?a?e,??,?o?t?n?e Thanks...
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also, guy's letters read out loud.(5) t?a??...
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help needed please section 2 change a letter e.g. sorceress/timepiece = witch/watch no 2 metal /craftsperson (6) section 5 missing word something you would find in urban place no number of letters no...
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8A: Arrest credited to street cop, apparently, for this kind of crime. (4-6) 9A: Doppelganger (that umlaut means more than one might first see. (10) ????a???e? 10A: Sssss... sounds like something's...
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The answer is two words which one is a colour. No 34 terrible fuss over a colourful crime. Thank you....
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18a, leaving far behind, 0?t?i??a?cing. Many thanks.
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Last one's 15a. Patriarch against wearing a garland 16a. Stone circle a secretary left 20a. Attitudes beginners work on (4) ?T?P Thanks...
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3down 11 very fast with classic greeting, Lord lieutenant is not half conniving type any ideas?...
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Throughout the whole match Kyrgios has played the usual pantomime villain and has been in the umpires ear the whole time. Tsitsipas is losing points for code violations, Kyrgios has had no sanction....
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What a load of rubbish. And an insult to folk who've suffered genuine trauma....
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10a) Harnesses etc for horses (8) ??d?l?r?
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3)Knowledge test in the evening 11)Great to start with girl 21)Female farmer might be this 34)Straight length of metal workforce 17)Come down to earth one from the upper house No no. of letters given...
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18A. One cracking very good female singer. (4) P-A- think it is Piaf but why? 26A. Active ladies chat in Mumbai perhaps (4) A-O- 12D.Disputes with supermarkets ending with consensus. S-A-S think it is...
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Hi All - just a quick request for the parsing of this clue, please: 7d John, pre-eminent male, performing - or being a spectator (7,2) L-O-I-G -N It can only be LOOKING ON, but I don't understand how...

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