Barrage after barrage supporting a Lord Justice-Clerk (4,4).
I have??a? ??i?
Chap getting money in advance for J. Robert Lennon's short story (8)
I have??e?d???...
As so often now many clues are not literary. Tiddlers three please. Former excitement is something to celebrate in best poem by Suffolk writer(4,6)I have the first word Late and A.s.o. for the second....
Two in doubt. 7dn: Me rolling drunk? A bit of legitimacy in that! (5) I have T?L?S Is it TALOS? Sot back around AL 20dn: John Garner's not against touring Democratic country (6) I have ?A?A?A Is it...
Down to last two: 1dn: Name for some type of girl enthralling Duke(6) I have L?c?d? 3dn: Margaret Peel's possibly included in "something unacceptable" for Lucky Jim (3-4) I have n?n-?e?o Is this...
At an impasse and need help with these interlocking three clues. 11 dn: One found by Moon River in a poem from Australia (5) I have ????i 16ac: Old school letters in lines (4) I have??a? 12ac: Notice...
Finally got going after the post arrived two hour late. Post early for Christmas or what! 'Nough moaning. Right hand bottom corner rather unyielding. Friar without a name, a man's name that...
8dn: Nurse taking poorly dean The Fellowship of the Ring? (6)
I have e?n?a?
I think this is ennead, but I'm not sure the derivation is from Tolkien or Plotinus.
Help please....
Unusually devious, this one, and I need help in a couple of areas. 5dn: Bishop with crook who's lost a million-he seems murderous in Nicholas Nickleby (7) I have ??b?t?? 26ac: Alice and Frank's name...