1. bird quiz - A wooden pile erected with others surrounding or near a bridge or pier to protect these from the current or floating debris. 2. clothing and footwear quiz - A mixture of bran and coarse...
29 across. device attached to a fishing line to attract fish. (4) L??E. have i gone wrong somewhere? makes no sense to me. ( yes. i have looked to see if it has already been answered). thanks in...
Just a last request to see if anyone can get answers to the final few. 20 Home of the chocolate loving Lewis family. ( Think ppl have agreed it is a Coro advert by Cadbury's, now pulled from the show)...
All of the below are British Towns, the first one is an example, what are the rest? 1. Ships bottom - Hull 2. Welshman? 3. Chopper at the cathedral? 4. Famous fox meets university professor? 5. Soft...
Im needing help to complete a puzzle that my Mum started ... down to the last few but cant finish it. If you can help that would be appreciated greatly. Thanks!! 1. The clue reads: make minor...
I've been staring at these for so long, my brain is now dead so any help would be greatly appreciated in solving the following. Many Thanks. 8 N in an O 5 L in a L 12 D of C..can only thik it's 12...
Down to the last two, please help: 1. Very handy if Pat's in trouble 2. Asks if mother is able to do it? Also, does anyone remember a character called Catflap? it seems vaguely familiar, but not too...
Is there a quick cheap method of finding out the VAT Registration number of a UK business, if one knows the business name and registered address. This company won't co-operate and tell me.