Please could any of you geek boys and girls (and I say that in a good way:) identify a typeface for me, the one that spells Maru Motel on the title card of this little film:...
I've just eaten a Sherbet-dab.G/children have been round today after tidying up I found it. Put it on the shelf to give 'em next time. I could see it from my pc out of the corner of my eye. I could...
I know i should prob type this question in animals and nature but i never get many replys there. So anyway heres the problem i noticed 2 weeks back that we have a new addition to the family FLEAS! Ive...
Fot the past 3 or 4 wks my usual weekly shopping (in Asda) has increased by about £15 and thats just normal shopping - no treats - has anyone else noticed this or is it just me!
Helo there all. In the film 'The Titanic'... When Fabrizio finds Jack, Rose and Tommy and the bottom of the main stairwell after they have been told they cannot get up that way, why when Jack is...
can anyone confirm if they think my answers are correct as not 100% sure- 'security device co' (6) could that be *********chubb?********** and 'former famous fly spray '(4) could that be...
Just found a site I wanted to come back to so put it in favourites but failed to click on 'add', now I can't find it again. How do I see my own browsing history please?
1. tuesday or monday 11. no ice cream or lolly allowed 15. use this in a power cut 21. scaley shadow 23. game of golf 41. had a tank sorry i don't know how many letters there are in each answer...
Now we've said r i p to Norman and at the grand old age of 95...
Made me think of Max Bygraves, is he still about? Haven't seen any news on him lately.
I have just seen the film 'Tomorrow Never Dies', and have 2 questions for you ABers. 1 What is the name and class of Navy vessel in the opening sequence of this film? 2 What is the type of missile...
iDENTIFY THE MOSQUE AND THE THE CAPITAL CITY,in South-East Asia.Built in 1958,the mosque was named after the State`s ruler, who was noted for his efforts to liberate his country from British...