makes all the digital tv screens in the house go funny when its charging? Its really annoying. Also my landlay said I'm not allowed to charge it when people are watching tv for the above reason but I...
Are they real? Saw amy winehouse has got peter andre on her friend list. You can find loads of celebs profiles on there. I suppose they are real aren't they?
it is no joke. I do have cancer. I was just trying to squeeze the lump and luckily it turned out to be a cyste and the puss spurted all over the excrement on the floor and at that exact moment in time...
i have just fealt another lump in my breast earlier. I took 5 valium and must have slipped off my wheelchair. My face was in a pool of my own excrement when i awoke. It was partialy in my mouth and...
I HAVE JUST SEEN LEGEND AND KNOBBY POST ON THE oops caps Guess thread but all i get is Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e2f' Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Answer',...
When I start typing a web adress in the adressfield it usually drpped down som alternatives that started with the same letters as I typed. This dont happens any longer. I will have this helpful...
Why do you bother with these Blogs? You continuesly promise us that you're "on the ball" and sorting out the nastiness and aliases on here via your blogs, then we hear nothing from you for weeks and...
My boyfriend, logged on his emails at my flat, my computer has automatically saved his password, and I couldnt resist taking a sneeky peek..however I have uncovered something I am really upset about....