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now to be in olive green packs with graphic images of cancer images on them to me this could be pointless as it will be a matter of days before there will be a rush on light plastic nicely logoed cig...
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Having been hacked, I then needed to have my hard drive replaced because of a fault. No, I didn't have back-up. Since I got the beast back from the repair shop, it has been running at speeds that...
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anotheoldgit What have they got against Richard Branson, first under New Labour he lost out on the Lottery deal to Camelot, even though he said he would run it on a...
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Hoovered this morning, discovered Maggie had eaten the carpet away in 2 corners of the room, a real heap of pulled, chewed wool. This was from when I let her run loose in the house. She will not have...
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Well, what can I say? Spice Girls were great, as was Elbow, Ed Sheeran, and the Kaiser Chiefs. But Madness were dreadful and the Pet Shop Boys were embarrassing. How come George Michael got to sing 2...
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personally i thought the lighting was spectacular the volunteers were brilliant and faultless glad they got a massive round of applause, but the acts involved were a let down and most of all the inane...
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Why did he address his speech to Her Majesty, etc etc when the Queen was not there?
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i have the following tv samsung ps50c490b3wxxu and require a new screen - screen model number is 850hw-yb06 does any1 know anywhere that supplies these??...
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I did find a plane tracker before but cant seem to remember the name its similar to RadarVirtual, I seem to remember it was called Pathfinder or something similar.
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Any advice as to how to make this go faster. I've googled and got lots of sites then have to pay and I don't want to. I know overnight I can defrag and clean discs but is there anything I can do now....
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how could Marlon hope to get custody of his love child after all its mother and paddy are are a stable loving couple ,unlike neurotic Marlon, surely she will have more of a claim on this child in...
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I've noticed a few 'Answer Removed' posts this morning. What is wrong with people, is the hot weather getting to them?...
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Did I hear correctly, that he has been given 25 years? If so then yippee, justice will finally be done.
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Does switching a tv straight on at the wall without switching it off at the tv switch beforehand (or any other electrical appliance) have any negative effect on the Tv? its a rear projection tv and im...
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Friend sent me this link - mind like a sewer rat lol
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I'm trying to call a number of someone but I've tried from two phones and it says the number is not recognised. I received a text off them this morning so it was in use then. What reasons are there...
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I went to PC World this afternoon, knowing exactly which laptop I wanted. The first hurdle to overcome was to try and find a sales assistant. Two caught my eye and moved off sharpish. Assistant no. 3...
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This may prove to be a dumb question but they are the only ones I do. I have a fridge thats built into the kitchen units (there's no freezer part to it). At the bottom it's got a sort of trough that...
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can anyone share there experiences please. my orange broadband speed in the last 2/4 weeks has gone from 4.5 to 3.0 to 2.0 now its 1.90.!! orange recognised a problem and sent me a wireless router,...
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hello thinking of updating my old pc to give to a friend to use. at mo its got 3 gb ram,would i see any noticeable speed increase if i gave it another1gb .4 being its max: on this pc ,its good now but...

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