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put hand in jacket pocket, pulled out a £10, very nice. Put boots on, hand back in pocket to take £10 out and put n purse. It was a fiver. hohum, however, it turns out in total it was £15. And no,...
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A lawyer had a wife and 12 children and needed to move, as his rental agreement was coming to an end for the home where he lived, but was having difficulty in finding a new home. When he said he had...
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albaqwerty hope the link works are there are 2 threads running and neither title...
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and no, I wasn't eaves-dropping, she was chatting loudly to another woman. 'She' is a young mum, maybe early 20's and was complaining loudly to her mate about how she was expected to drop her son off...
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in Puerto Rico?
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where copy typists had to practice their skills by just reading (obviously) and then touch typing. Name escapes me, but one very telling 'practice' was called the United States of Europe. I can't find...
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these phones calls which MAY be monitored for training and other purposes, Had to do another one this morning yesterday's phone call was cut off Well, apparently, all calls are monitored and so the...
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makes me grin and think about a certain ab'er :-D
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well, who'd have thought it?
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Hope all is well with each? It's decidedly cloudy here and not warm, but dry for the moment. Anything planned for this evening or just a chilled out Saturday night?...
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all the very best for her speech on Sunday. Such a lot has happened to that lovely lady over the past few years in such a short time. You'll be fine!! :-D xx No question, just wanted to show a bit of...
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or do you like most of them? I do like Emerritus' av, as well as Mamya's ooh heck, now there's too many to mention!! TTT's Nigel scares me :-D...
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loathe this date and am not feeling particularly cheerful. She's 37, well, if she's still alive, have no idea. Just hope she is thriving and is well-loved. No question, just a bit of a moan. She might...
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hope it's nice where you are. Heavens to betsy, the young albas have rigged up a bit of defunct washing line, wonderful slope and are now looking for Ken and Barbie and other plastic thingies to slide...
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Friday, 8th September I missed today's episode and would be most grateful if some kind person could tell me if I missed anything of any importance? (I know, it's fiction and all that and some episodes...
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Another thread got me pondering about parenting. I don't think there is a 'perfect' parent, we're all human surely? I was thinking about the time when the 4 of us were camping, under canvas, 2 tents,...
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Saturday morning the weather was too bad to play golf. I was bored with nothing to do. Suddenly there was a knock on the door I opened it to find a young, well dressed man standing there who said:...
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Where Mr Alba has been working for the previous few days, at break he's gone outside to admire the grounds/gardens and has been delighted to see so many different styles/colours of butterlies. He now...
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49 years hitched yesterday. Hats are off, I know DT provided a cake, but just think this should get more 'air time' Hope you both had a lovely evening xx...

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