Has anyone seen the Adam Sandler movie Click ? I saw it and thought it was ok, but it really made my cry in one of the scenes where he sees himself as an old man in the future. Did anyone else feel...
Has anyone actually become a Database Administrator for a local company by taking up this specialist Microsoft course ? I am so tempted to doing this course to become a DB myself, but I always fear...
How would I start a petition on young kids causing disturbance on our street ? they stay out all evening throwing stones and ball games. How would write a letter/petition ? and would it really resolve...
How do people cope with rowdy kids in their street ? We recently started suffering from ball games and stone throwing from under 18 year olds in our street. We did call the police and they came after...
My friend told me that his close mate somehow managed to convince a lesbian to sleep with him. Can this really happen ? is it possible to have a one night stand with lesbian ?