My dog had fleas beginning of June, been to vet 3 times since and after 3 flea treatments (Frontline twice and recently Advantix) still has fleas, had house done twice as well, please please can any1...
Same question crops up every Burns Night, I grew up eating large field turnips, purplish skin and orange inside and used to carve them out at Halloween. Ones you get in supermarkets nowadays that are...
1 Sly giggles 2 High class thoroughfare 3 Money making royalty 4 Dark occult 5 Mother's local 6 Clever folk 7 Various black items 8 Sport for princes 9 Frankie Vaughan wanted it 10 Good children get...
1 Sly giggles 2 High class thoroughfare 3 Money making royalty 4 Dark occult 5 Mother's local 6 Clever folk 7 Various black items 8 Sport for princes 9 Frankie Vaughan wanted it 10 Good children get...
Lots and lots of the crisp white stuff, this is going to be a great day,cant wait to get dog out for walk as he loves the stuff as we all do, roll on the snowmen making etc.
What fun I had yesterday making salt dough, has been years since I made it with the kids, lots of cutters and hey presto loads of new decorations for the tree, all I have to do now is get them painted...