HI I wentto the dentist recently & he told me that using CORDOSYL mouthwash stains your teeth, and I should use a saltwater outhwash to rmove them. Won't salt damage teeth? If not, how much salt salt...
Hi Please help me solve the following . 5D) Don't desert - prepare for attack? (7 LETTERS) S?A?D?? 15) Does Chairman's last word disfranchise him (7, 4) ?AS?I?G?O?E 15A) It is given in speech (6...
1D) The one who gets heard? Unlikely to be 18 away (7 LETTERS) D???E?T 2D) 'South London Borough to get bigger!' stamped an old letter (7, 3) E???i?G?A? 8A) No ----- arose from mountains at sea? It...
Pease help me to find a n eight letter word that's rather tasty out of the following letters RETPO. You must include the letter E at least once and all the others as many times as you need. Thanx
Fair lady's name e ? e ? (4 letters) very hot icing ? ? ? i n g (6 letters) Main source of energy and power on river holds record P ? i ? e ? o ? ? ? (5, 5) Stare at iced cocktail in London E ? ? ? ?...
A factory melts down old candle stubs and forms them into new candles. From every 9 stubs it can make 1 new candle . From 921 stubs, how many candles can possibly be made in total?