My brother is looking for a live kidney doner due to having polysystic kidneys, - apparently they wouldn't look at my kidneys (as I've been an IDD for 35yrs (even though I have no problems) which...
I'm a long term, type 1 diabetic (35yrs & 4 on a pump) and recently got my latest blood results back. When I looked at them I noticed that they only checked HbA1c (5.7%) - last couple of years...
Not sure if that is spelt right, but my dad always used to call porridge " bonny bouncing burgu" In my mind it is possibly something that his dad called it, in the navy. Dad is now in his...
Got given a tin of this for Christmas and have no idea what to do with it. I'm sure that I used to put it on a cake when i was doing A'level cookery (about 100 years ago), but this doesn't look sweet....
We brought some roasted chestnuts at a Christmas Market & they were delicious, the kids want me to have a go at home, but I have no idea where to buy them from. Any ideas? I live near to...
Sorry to bother you , but wondered if you could shed a little light for me. Middle son (15) has monocotic fibrous dysplasia in his left clavicle, it hasn't changed much for the last 4 years, but has...
Last night my electric shower stopped working - just my luck that hubby who knows about these things is out of the country for 4 weeks. Outside my bathroom I have a switch with a red light on it that...
About 4 years ago my 15yr old had a strange lump come up really quickly on his clavicle - it is boney and like a half egg really. After much investigation, to ensure that it was cancerous, he was...
Just been given a bag of these from a neighbours tree and thought that I would have a go at making some jam/jelly. Has anyone got a recipe please? Thanks in advance
My 16yr old son is painfully thin (BMI of 15.6) and I a very worried about him. He does eat, but not massive amounts and the things he eats lots of have no calories in them - lettuce, gherkins,...
My 15yr old has been asked to be a Godparent and I'm just wondering whether they were any age restrictions. He is a Christian and I'm sure that he would take the responsibility appropriately. Just...
Earlier on in the year (May)I brought some Coleman's mustard with chilli - in a red jar. It was gorgeous and several people have asked where I got it. When I looked in Tescos they didn't have it...
I was given some beetroot plugs that I have transplanted into a trough in my yard weeks ago. They are looking very healthy and bushy, but now I look at them closely I realise that there were 3 plants...
My orchid is in a clear pot, but inside a china pot (brought that way) Do I need to let the light get at the roots? How much, how often? Thanks for any help - orchids are a new thing for me :o)
Mine are just starting to sprout leaves ( I put 4" of earth in sack, planted potatoes & then covered with 4" more of eartha couple of weeks back)When I look at packaging there are 2 different sets of...