Here are this morning's shaded questions for you - 57a Roll of paper or papyrus [6] 27d ---- Dreamers, 1980 song by Kate Bush, from her album Never for Ever [4] 34d Thin disk of unleavened bread used...
Following on from the question below about SPECS speed cameras
How does 'ordinary' speed cameras work - the ones where there is a camera followed by white lines going across the road...
All the answers begin with the letters GG. For example- Ann was from here- Green Gables Just a few that we have no ideas on at all so any help would be appreciated: 1. It's at the bottom of the garden...
If you take 7 West Highland White Terriers from 12 West Highland White Terriers, what do you have? I know the obvious answer is 5 West Highland White Terriers, but can anyone else come up with an...