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Can a dental crown be re-attached if the tooth post has broken as well? It's one of my front teeth, so very noticeable. I'm going to ring the dentist as soon as they open but I wondered what can be...
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Has anybody got a sure fire way to pickle jerkins and also where do you buy the raw ones from I dont think I have ever seen them.
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i know 1 and 2 seem to get separate words like second and first...but why are 5 and 3 always written differently...? third and fifth. fifty not fivety etc all the others are the number with an...
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This is a lengthy one so please bear with me. A non teaching member of staff at the school my 14 year old daughter attends is making our lives a misery. My daughter is a high flyer with 100%...
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I found 2 bottles of organic sesame oil when cleaning my cupboards. Neither has been opened.......bin or use??
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Advice...hubby had an affair and a child with someone..over 5yrs ago now.we are bk 2gether and had another child so 2 now,but the bitch makes it hard for hubby to see his child...wants him over her...
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how do you de- register with facebook as i no longer wish to use it. thanks in advance
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c'mon on then lets ave it muppet is this how southerns really talk when they are about to be violent?...
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Does anyone know whether there are any in london?
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Every day at 2.50 my digital radio cuts out. I turn it back on with the remote. What is causing this break in transmission at the same time every day?
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My mother and father have been seperated for about 11 years now and my father has never payed childsupport for me and my sisters. I am wondering how i should go about backdating the money he owes us...
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i thought blood only pumped if you cut an artery? thanks...
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Why do some criticise their own country so much, and prefer to take the foreigners point of view, yet when it comes to Football or Cricket, they will support their particular teams with passion?
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I made a soup from various vegetables - all nice and healthy. So I served it up and Tony took one taste before pulling a funny face. Tony: What soup is this? Me: It's an anti-ageing soup. Tony: Well...
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A strapping middle-aged male friend has flu, of the regular kind. He's taken the maximum amount of Lemsips - 4 - over each othe last 2 days. How many more days can he go on doing this, and can you...
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my pals wife who is greek she thinks 90% of greek people are clever what do u think i dont think so...
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there is a question that asks "dealing with customers can be frustrating " you have to strongly agree ,agree,neither agree or disagree,disagree or strongly disagree im baffled as to how i...
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Would it be better if we had 56 winners of one million pound each rather than one multimillionaire winning the lot ?
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Is there anything you would not eat?
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I've been running this lap top with free AVG since I've had it . I've recently had problems with my modem but it now seems to be ok again, My download speed has dropped enormously. 29hrs to download a...

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