i have problems with my heart and kidneys, but i'm also waiting for hip replacement, probably two, but i'm wondering would it be safe to take glucosamine, chondroitin,and msm complex, for the pain
I have an icd (internal cardio defibrillator)fitted to my heart, but just bought a laser/radar speed detector for the car. Will it be ok to use the detector or not?
i've just had a reconditioned gearbox and new clutch fitted to my 97 vectra, but when i let my clutch out quickly it judders like mad ,is there an engine mounting they have to undo, or as anyone any...
Can anyone tell me why i can't have a hip replacement, I have an internal cardio defibrillator fitted to my heart, but it seems they don't want to do my hip
what is the best thing to put on a scar on my dogs leg. she had her leg amputated 6 months ago and her scar had healed, but for the last three days she has started to scratch and lick the scar again...