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Yeah Bee
Who is Bernardo? Does he have a life outside the internet. I have seen his name on more aswers then anybody and he is often right. Is he an academic or just a jeopardy kinda guy
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While perusing my profiles I discovered that I have had 14 answers banned, I had no idea I was that disagreeable! How many have you had?
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English translation please.
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Does anyone know the name of the adult video in which Rocco had Louise Hodges?
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darth vader
pope rain
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pope reign
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Answer: When it's an ape! Why is it so difficult to educate the masses to the fact that chimps are NOT monkeys? It really gets my hackles up each time i see a news report featuring a chimp with the...
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Not being very tech.minded, is it very difficult to add a new category or change some of the existing site material? I wouldn't have thought so - so I am missing something?
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Does anyone remember Candy? She was a manga ( I think) cartoon from the Eighties, a little blonde girl...Anyway, there was a song that was sung before/during/after the show (maybe on the video) and I...
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Is it catching and how do I get rid of it?
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This is promted by Darth Vader's understandable rant at the recent spate of questions regarding a certain footballer in the sport section......If anyone would like to let off steam at any frustrations...
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darth vader
Which team did johnny duncan play for in 1924 on christmas day when he scored 6 goals?
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I log on to AB nearly every day, but I'm disappointed that there are hardly any new users & the questions are minimal. Could AB advertise more, to create a bigger sight? Apart from that it's a good!
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Bought daughter a popcorn maker for birthday. Works well, but you can only add the flavorings/toppings afterwards. She's after something like the Butterkist stuff, ie buttery.sweet & cruchy ish. Any...
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To get married in a church, must both parties be christened/baptised whatever or just one? How does this effect the validity of the marriage? Must you declare this?

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