I suggested postmoderation of input as an answer to the dire quality of Q&A's recently. ABed said 'this would cause delays for the majority of members who use this site sensibly.' but a great many of...
about a month ago there was an advert for a program with Derren Brown (supposid Psychic guy) where he does real Russian Roulette live on TV. I though it was going to be shown at the beginning of...
If you were told that an act of nature was going to destroy your home in ten minutes time, apart from family and pets, what 3 things would you have to save?
Is the OE version that comes with XP different from the stand alone version? I am the only user on this pc and have everything with 'remember my password' ticked in OE. When I click Send/Recv it...
Does anyone know how i can stop the interference from my sky digitalbox that i get wen i am watching a DVD there is always a constant shadow of whateve is being shown on digital in the background of...
lorraine html application the size is 4kb.
what is this. it is in my c drive is it safe to delete it, I dont know how it got there. It was not there last week.
Hi, I've asked this question a coupe of times, but I'm still having no luck. My homepage keeps on getting set to a string on numbers, which on starting IE5.5 turns out to be Globalfinder.com. I am...