answers contain the word "water" 1. The ocean is sometimes called this (3,3,5-4) 2. Boastful words meaning little (3,4,3,5) 3. England was once described thus (1,3,2,8,6) 4. "Grandmother's bonnets"...
41a,"Tis one thing to be ----------,Escalus,another thing to fall."Shakespeare in Measure for Measure.(7)T?m?t?? 42d,Breed of dog introduced by Her Majesty(5)?o?g?. I thought it was a corgi,but in the...
What on earth has happened to the Herculis? Reduced prize money, and very easy clues: "the noise a pig makes" - oh per-lease! Are the Barclay brothers having an economy drive?
4 down 'From beauty spot on Breton river' - we get Temperance - why? 15 down 'Light shade for volunteer (detailed to keep a little)' - we get 'Off-white' - why?
Is A 1 across humility? I cannot see why. I have H?M?L?T? but cannot see where this clue ends and the part for the B diagram begins. Where have I gone wrong?
All the answers are names of birds. 1)Fight and argue (8) 2)Stealin' (5) 3)Blowin' (6) 4)The cider bird (10) 5)Aerial fun (7) 6)Digger (8) Thanks for any help