What Pet Hates do Answer Bank members have. Here are a few of mine, Queue jumpers, junk mail, unsolicited phone calls, canvassers, people discussing their private life or texting( the clicking...
I have tried very hard to stay within the guidelines of AB with my (very few) questions. I have just had one banned asking why people like Big Brother. I really was interested to...
A couple of questions here, firstly, is it an existing hair that turns grey, or does a new hair of grey colouring grow? Secondly, why does hair turn grey? I know that age, stress etc are given...
As AB Ed has just banned my legitimate question on this subject, I shall rephrase it & see if it stays. Do you agree/disagree with the following current laws? Would you like to...
A mate of mine is flying to Florida for his summer holiday and whilst we were discussing it, he said the worst bit (for him) was not having a fag for 8 - 9 hours. I suggested he used one of those...
Ok folks wots the consensus. Personally, I am still amazed that xstians are kicking up such a fuss. Religion is a set of beliefs - why should this set of beliefs hold any more power than say, my...
Hi, I love Coronation Chicken as a sandwich filler but the ones int eh supermarkets often have too much mayo, whereas I'm all for more chicken :) But how do you make it at home? anyone got any...
my baby brother of 7 years, asked me how old god is. He then answered me saying 'No, no-one can answer that' Then he asked if god had had any children. i replied jesus. he then asked ' but how...