Now the leader of the free world has described him as a 3rd rate comedian who took his country into a bloody war. I find it hard to believe Trump's characterisation of Zelensky. More lies from the... ...
Any recommendations for energy suppliers? We've been with Octopus for quite a few years but have moved and now looking at other suppliers, It's very confusing. "Speaking to reporters from his Mar-a-Lago estate, Trump said, "Today... ...
I am sure that this idea was conceived in good faith. But it sounds like Big Brother has taken over. ...
Mr and Mrs Foreman were arrested in January but news of their detention, on unspecified security charges, emerged last week. Judiciary spokesman Asghar Jahangir said that the couple, both aged 52,... ...
We've had a notice posted today saying that 2000 postmen are bitten annually by dogs. That's a lot of bites. Do you make an effort to keep your postman safe from your dog? No specifics about the attacker. At least it was a knife attack. Summat to on half-term holiday? Usual dance? ...
My woman's PC has been getting slow, delays and suchlike. Looking at it I saw the system drive was getting quite full (%wise anyway) and we've opted to buy a larger SSD to replace it. But I... ...
Nigel Farage's Reform Party is more Trusted than Tories a Bombshell poll has revealed. A YouGove poll revealed 19% of voters trust Reform compared to only 11% trust the Cons.Wow🤣.
I'm 34 and got socially murdered by everybody I know because I accepted an invitation to hook up with a 17 year old girl I'd never spoken to before and when i saw my friends next I told them and... ...
In a TTTocracy you'd only get the vote if you have contributed to society. Use the NI number to look up the total, they can already, if that is greater than zero you can vote. What's wrong with... ...
I renewed my central heating boiler last year . It comes with a ten year warranty provided it's service each year. I have British gas home care cover . Would it be better to cancel the boiler part of... ...
I have just recieved the keys to a property that i agreed needed 2 toilets for medical needs. I viewed the property whilst both toilets were connected. I signed the tenancy and on collecting the... ... tweeted Trump (on Friday) – these words are originally attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte who staged a coup and installed himself as Emperor of France. Anyone still doubt Trump is running... ...
Scrubbing the remains of my breakfast porridge off an aluminium pot I noticed it's badly pitted. The missing metal must have been eaten. Aluminium is said not to be good for ones health. Time... ...
❤ 🎶 It's Valentine's Day so I hope you're all feeling lovey-dovey and in singing & dancing mode as I'm looking for your favourite love songs - drop by any time until midnight. You might even be a... ...