There was a time when I couldn't bear the sight of this woman, but I've started to gain some respect for her for the very simple fact that the poor cow never really stood a chance with a beast of a...
would it be wrong to remove them with a 2 stroke chain saw? ps i haven't been here since last night what have i missed? ps (again) the rabbit from the cadburys carmel advert anyone else find her...
and then! so what did someone? forgettit not on monday....when french language???//// dongle rits**>>> going yes why???apples dropping higt dreadfull,,,@]]from what?just ever. i cant think of...
German guy approaches a prostitute and says " I vish to buy sex vit you" "OK" says the girl, "I'll charge 100 dollars an hour" " Ist goot, But I must varn you, I am a little kinky" "No problem" she...
hello everyone, This is a really embarassing question so PLEASE dont take the p!ss! (as if!) Well, I woke up one moning last week with really sore girl bits.....the kind of feeling you get if you've...
All these foodylode questions and she remains strangely horribly silent. I love her recipes or suggestions and I am missing her input. If anyone locates her would they drop her off at the Food and...
put it down to age, but i have been following the bickering on some sites recently, and have just read one on bs from LAS and thought it sounded pretty genuine?? i realise this question might get...
this is a stupid question, but me and my friend were talking and i said i bet a capful of listerine (or other mouthwash) would make you sick. but he said no it wouldnt, mouthwash wouldnt make you thow...
This made me realise the other day, as i was sewing the clips onto my daughters hair extentions (!) well what a bloody tedious job, mad worse by the fact that i had to keep re-threading the needle,...
I notice that my question has once again had a word removed. Edited by the AB Ed. How do I get an explanation from the Editor about such an inofensive word.