The irish farmers journal was originaly called the young farmers journal. In what year was it first published. What is the title of the farmers journals diary editor jack kennedys recently launched...
12 down hostile reaction ???K 13 down Heirloom ???I?Y 51 across gin based cocktail (3 & 7) T?? ???L??S 52 down All Powerful ???I???E?T 75 down Criminal Bosses R?N?L?A?E?S
Totally gone astray here today - any help to get me back on track please? 1d) union members celebrate it after over half a century (7,7) --a---- ---d--- 8d) racing with ian perhaps found on track...
ive got quite a few ending soon - can anyone help with this one - Disability Action Yorkshire Its a film with a colour int he title Not petes - initials of the film RD Alcholic drinks This would make...
Struggling with the last few can anyone help please. 52 Early Christian dissenter made alternative costing (7) 83 We hear religious Indian is related to Hyde (4) 88 Point to supply of water at minster...
The following answer's has the letters PRO or CON in the answer somewhere. For Example: Not Suitable......the answer is inaPROpriate. This quiz is really scrambling my brain, so any help would be very...
Clue: Prudent pundit *A*E (4 letters) Clue: Bar festive offering *A*E (4 letters) Clue: System meant to hold back ant E*M*T (5 letters) Any clever people??
All are words / phrases connected to Christmas 1. Aled's stroll outdoors.. (walking in the air? ) 2.Weird Satan.Anagram ( not sure if this is right as I can't find anything in the anagram solver....
32a radical starts to cut energy, 20 years late. c?t??. (5 letters) 33d chap has method to get room for manoeuvre. ??e?a? (6 letters) the last letter of 32a is also the first of 33d. thanks in...